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Re: Job: simplified creation of Debian Jr. accounts

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 17:19:42 -0800
Andrew Sackville-West <andrew@farwestbilliards.com> wrote:
> well, not having looked at adduser-ng, I would have to say all you
> really need is something that can speak .xinitrc or, if using *dm,
> then whatever is needed for those sessions. Some kind of interface
> that can take a user name and set a sane default for the age group
> would be a good start
> basement: # jruser-setup joey --age 2 --no-password --use-gdm
> a simple command like this could speak gdm, create the session
> scripts needed to boot straight into gcompris for the user joey with
> no password required for login. even better, it could check ps and see
> what environment, if any is running and make the sane choice. 
> Am I in a position to write this? heck no, but that gives and idea of
> what I was thinking. i could write the man page is someone could take
> that and build the app.

I'm not sure now that what I really want is a jr-specific tool for
setting up user accounts.  I'd rather see the intelligence be *in the
Debian system* itself, and not in the per-user configs in each child's
home dir.  See my post in the "per user config in debian-jr packages"
today for a few ideas on this.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    synrg@debian.org
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