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Re: Esperanto

Rudy Godoy <rudy <at> kernel-panik.org> writes:

> El d�a 19/12/2004 a 23:32 Anthony Hoskins escribio ...
> <snip> (A lot has been taken out)
> There's one called coccinella[0] which I plan to work on soon, it does
> most of the tasks you say.
> 0- http://hem.fyristorg.com/matben/
> -Rudy


Thank you for your reply. I have began reading about both coccinella and i18n,
and will use this knowledge to help as much as I can. However, this is not
exactly what I had in mind. While support for the Esperanto language would be a
great addition, I wanted to have games and fun toys that specifically "taught"
Esperanto to youth. This way they can gain a better idea of the cultures in
places around the world through international communications. 

I would like to teaching of Esperanto to be done complimentary to the native
language you are currently using. This way as many children as possible will
have the oppourtunity to be bi-lingual, in a language that is largely recognized
and represents no specific geographical location, ethnic group, or intelligence
(as often is the case when someone tries to translate their thoughts to another
language, the meaning can sometimes become hard to understand and leads others
to think perhaps it is due to a lack of education, be it from school or personal

At the moment I do not even speak Esperanto, so most certainly do not consider
me to be a source of too much information on this topic. But I certainly have a
need and a want to learn it, as well as the tools (brain, internet) to do so. As
part of my introduction to the language I was thinking of writing my own games,
these will be released under GPL of course, and hopefully verified by my
Esperanto Mentor. However before I decide to do this, I would like to see some
ideas, suggestions and opinions on the matter, and determine if it's even worth
my time. If you think this is a good idea, even if you can't help, please let me

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