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Re: Document

Am 2004-09-21 10:15:36, schrieb Ron Johnson:

> You get between 2.8 and 5.6 SPAMs every minute???

I fetch my messages all 10 Minutes and have around 5 and 80 each time

Because spamassassin/spamc eats up to much resources, I
prefilter messages with procmail... which is quiet fast.

Now I have around 6% CPU-Load and the Load average is under 1

Most messages are verry easy to filter, because in general 
you can /dev/null all what 

1) does not come from the mailinglists you subscribed
2) does not have your E-Mail in To: or Bcc:

This filters already more the 70% of the SPAM which come 
to me through the "Envelope-to: linux4michelle@free..."


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