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Re: [Slightly OT] Philosophy (was Re: Replacement for Abiword: LyX? Openoffice?)

On Tue, Oct 21, 2003 at 08:37:39PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Since they can't read yet (well, he's learning), computer-as-tool
> is not feasible, yet.

Computer-as-tool is perfectly feasible in an assisted fashion.  Jessica 
(5, just learning to read) often wants me to explore things that we look up 
together.  She enjoys the pictures, hearing me read aloud, and multimedia 

> When it is, I still hope that books are used as the primary 
> tool.  Call me weird, but I found it so interesting reading
> sections of the encyclopedia and dictionary, while looking for
> the articles that were my real target.

You know what?  I find that interesting too.  And I hope that my children 
enjoy the same things.  They'll have ample opportunity to, given that there 
are at any given time between 50 and 100 books, CDs and videos out from the 
library between the seven of us, and that we make it our regular habit to go 
out to the library once a week.

> And it's just not practical to "curl up with a good computer".

It's getting pretty darned close.

> Boy, I wish we home schooled.

I remember when we didn't.  There were plenty of days where we *didn't* have
the luxury of giving the kids computer turns.  I guess even now there are
still those days.  Life just fills up with so many other things.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
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