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RE: [Slightly OT] Philosophy (was Re: Replacement for Abiword: Ly X? Openoffice?)

On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 17:40, Percival, Ray wrote:
> That and they are going to be exposed as soon as they hit school because
> they use them everywhere. At least my son (one of three the only one in
> school) knows enough not to accept the incorrect things they try to tell him
> and because he is familar with computers and not scared of them I think he
> does better in school simply because they are like any other tool to him. 

They are only prevalent in school because people who don't know
anything about computers are scared that "the kids will be left
behind", and that's just bull.

Anyone with a decent education, and who has the capacity to be 
taught to type, cook, and drive can be taught to use computers.

Those of us who are curious, or interested in technology/science
(yes, there were even people like that before 1976) will be drawn
to "a deeper understanding of" computers no matter how old we are.

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms [of
government] those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow
operations, perverted it into tyranny."
Thomas Jefferson

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