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drscheme makes junior-programming uninstallable on many arches

I'm considering dropping drscheme from junior-programming because it makes 
junior-programming uninstallable on many arches.  Would this be a big loss?

I don't use drscheme with my own children, so I'm relying on the Debian Jr. 
user community to let me know if they've found this a valuable addition to 
the junior-programming package or not.

 ,-.  nSLUG    http://www.nslug.ns.ca   synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
 \`'  Debian   http://www.debian.org    synrg@debian.org
  `          [ gpg 395C F3A4 35D3 D247 1387 2D9E 5A94 F3CA 0B27 13C8 ]
             [ pgp 7F DA 09 4B BA 2C 0D E0 1B B1 31 ED C6 A9 39 4F ]

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