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Bug #135368

The adult among us may want to look into the issue addressed in bug
#135368, visible at
and see if they can express the principle more effectively.  (Writing to
135368@bugs.debian.org appends to that report, and so far, those who have
done so have filled their replies with gratuitous profanity, so be
forewarned before you follow that URL.)

At issue is the suitability of Debian packages to be installed on
machines where children have access.  Hopefully this will be something
that "someone" on this list can manage to effectively communicate, prior
to Woody's release.  All I seem to have elicited is excessive
potty-mouth on the part of some of the more <cough> "mature" Debian

Ben, you've addressed similar on this list before, how about it?  Anyone
else?  Is there a suitable means to get this message across to the
Developers in a manner they will comply with?

How to get this RC priority without some "genius" deciding it's not
important and downgrading it?  Ben?

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