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Re: New junior-doc 1.7 now ready

On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 02:11:03PM -0400, Ben Armstrong wrote:

Heya Ben,

> Junior-doc has rapidly progressed to version 1.7, which is available
> at the above URL and in incoming.  So if you're going to check it
> out, please ignore 1.6, as quite a bit has changed since then.

Yes.  It is coming along nicely.  I like the What Now?(4) section.  It 
encourages participation in the project. 

> 3. Getting Started:

> Now that you know what Debian Jr. is all about, you are probably dying
> to get it installed and play around.  (For the kids of course.)

I think this will sound better if more detailed information is given in
the Introduction(1) - the introduction could be extended a little. You
could point out that in addition to the many games included with
debian-junior, there are system tools such as midnight commander,
xcruise (helps to visualize the filesystem), and lavaps - the process
and resource-use visualizing app.  Also you could mention that there are
internet tools, math learning programs, a desktop, and sound and writing
skills apps.  Then saying, "...you are probably dying to get it
installed...", in the Getting Started(3) section will sound better I 

Is the "hello" package included with debian-junior, by the way?  Should 
it perhaps be included?

Kind regards,

Anthony Rowe

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