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Debian Jr. readying for release

For the benefit of those not on debian-devel-announce, here's the
latest Debian Jr. news item, also linked from our home page now.

If anyone has some spare time and would like to nab a few 'junior-'
meta packages and review them for "readiness for release" (checking
the bug health of each dependent package) feel free to do so, letting
us know here which packages you're checking and what you have found.
If you can submit patches against any bugs or NMU, then great.  If
the package is not release-ready and has a suitable release-ready
alternative, then let me know.  Basically, anything that will help
move things forward would be appreciated.

I made a pass through several of the 'junior-' packages some weeks
ago, and made adjustments as needed, but there hasn't been a systematic
pass from top to bottom through all of them, afaik.

So, here's the news article:

   It has been a while since I've reported on how Debian Jr. is going.
   Yes, we're still here and still forging ahead. A number of
   improvements have been made to the Debian Jr. web site to give people
   a better idea of what we've accomplished, and where we are headed. So
   please have a look: [1]http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr

   Here are the important developments over the past year:
     * Most of our energy today is focused on ensuring Debian Jr.
       packages are all at least in a releasable state for Woody. We help
       to deal with bugs against packages we list, or find suitable
       replacement packages if the ones we have chosen cannot be made
       ready for release.
     * We have completed a good base set of 'junior-' meta packages for
       Debian Jr. users. The task-junior package is now obsolete,
       replaced by the new tasksel entry which is functionally
       equivalent. Selecting "Debian Jr." in tasksel will populate your
       system with most of the packages in Debian Jr. The rest can be
       obtained by individually installing those 'junior-' packages that
       are not installed by tasksel. See the junior-doc package for
       details. The "quick guide" in this package covers installation.
     * The logo page has been updated. It is linked from our home page,
       listed above. I honestly cannot say if we're any closer to
       deciding on one at this point. (Logo selection is fairly low
       priority compared to getting things ready for release.)
     * While continuing to look for someone to form a separate debian-edu
       group, it has become fairly clear that since nobody has stepped
       forward to do this yet, Debian Jr. will need to cover some aspects
       of Debian in education. We have therefore taken membership in the
       newly formed [2]Schoolforge coalition, a group of "independent
       organisations that advocate, use and develop open resources for
       primary and secondary education". Over the coming year, we'll be
       on the lookout for developers who would like to see Debian used in
       the schools and find work for them in Debian Jr.
     * The child-oriented menus design discussion, as interesting as it
       was at the time, fizzled, producing nothing. I blame first my own
       lack of interest in carrying the implementation forward. Second,
       it seems the principal work, that of simply packaging free
       children's software for Debian, and ensuring it is all release
       ready, consumes all of our energies for now.
     * [3]OSEF, the Open Source Education Foundation, has kindly
       donated a vintage laptop (K6-233, 810M drive) to the Debian Jr.
       project. It is en route to my house as I write this. We are
       grateful for the donation which will be immediately put to use as
       a Debian Jr. system in my household. It will be kept up-to-date
       with sid and will be valuable in identifying strengths and
       weaknesses of our packages on such older hardware.

   1. http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr/
   2. http://www.schoolforge.net/
   3. http://www.osef.org/

Ben Armstrong (Mr. Debian Jr.)
    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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