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Packages dropped from Task: junior due to gnome dependencies

I had intended to make the Debian Jr. core completely neutral to KDE
vs. Gnome, but I find that it brings in some packages with Gnome library
dependencies.  At least the following are problematic:

drgenius     (junior-math)
mathwar      (junior-math)
gcompris     (junior-typing, junior-math)
xscreensaver (junior-toys -- depends on xscreensaver-gnome by default.  I
              could in theory fix this by replacing Depends: xscreensaver
              with xscreensaver-nognome | xscreensaver-gnome)

Mathwar has more serious dependency problems.  It Depends on -dev packages
instead of Build-depends.  I'll be chasing that down separately with a bug
report and possibly a patch.

My proposal is to drop the first three packages from the core junior task
offering and instead move them into junior-gnome, which will not be
installed by default when someone installs the Junior task.  I will similarly
start a junior-kde.  Woody may release with some initial offerings for
Gnome/KDE in each of these but they will generally be considered post-woody
additions to Debian Jr.  No attempt will be made to make them complete for
woody (and this will be indicated in the description).  Furthermore, we may
later decide that some division of the junior-gnome and junior-kde packages
is warranted.

Sound good?

If anyone knows if the above packages being moved into junior-gnome can have
non-gnome versions built from source, please let me know.  I have my hands
full of other release-related issues at the moment and therefore haven't the
time to chase this down.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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