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Re: [: Re: Installing Debian Junior PC]

On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 10:37:36AM -0600, Matt Kraai wrote:
> Instead of using pseudo-packages, the packages which comprise a
> task are listed in tasksel.

Well, what about meta packages?  I only have one task- package,
task-junior.  I split the Debian Jr. packages into individual
meta packages for two reasons:

1. people don't have to install the whole thing.  they can just
   pick-and-choose specific meta packages.

2. meta packages are used for each collection, not task- so that
   tasksel isn't cluttered with a whole herd of new Debian Jr.
   related stuff

> This information is then encoded in
> the Task: field in the available file.

So, for instance, bugsquish would have something like this? ...

Task: junior-arcade

> That way, if a package is
> missing is will be silently omitted, rather than causing the rest
> to be uninstallable.

But you see, bugsquish isn't missing.  A dependency two levels deep
is.  How would this help?  Or have I misunderstood?

> You'd probably have to list the packages
> directly though, rather than just listing the junior-* packages.
> You can see http://cvs.debian.org/tasksel for more information.

Ugh.  I don't like the idea of having to put everything in a task
package, because then we're back to having an overwhelming number of
choices in tasksel.  But in any event, I'll check out the URL and see
if Debian Jr. can somehow be improved by this new development.

Thanks for the info.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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