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Re: Debain and Debain Jr

Actually my Daughter has you beat, she's only 11. She is actually running
Mandrake at the moment but I use Progeny, which is Debian based. I use Debian JR
to find software she might be interested in and then try to fine RedHat packages
for her so she can try them and post comments here. I also want to get other
stuff that currently isn't available in .deb's for her to play with and if she
likes them, she can ask someone to package them for Debian.

Good luck with the programming! I started a course this year as well. I've
played around with code, but could not understand anything of any complexity.
Hopefully this will change as I work through the course. What are you using for
learning? I recently bought an excellent book C: How to Program. by Deitel &
Deitel. I've bought many programming books, and this one seems to be quite good.
And the third edition comes with Java builder for LINUX! as well as the usual
Windows C compilers. Of course Linux users don't need separate compilers.

The main advantages of Debian over others, like RedHat, are:

Debian conforms to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, which is a guide for ALL
advanced computer systems to follow.

Debian's package management system is much more complete in checking for
interdependencies before installing software. When you do an apt-get install
packageXXX, apt will check what package XXX needs before installing, then check
what each of those packages need and so on, until all dependencies are met. If
the dependencies can't be met for any reason, apt will not install anything. In
theory, I can install a base system from the install floppy set, configure the
network and set up my apt source.list, then do an apt-get install gimp. The
system should eventually install a full working X-Window system and Gimp. I
would not try this at home, though. That is just theory.

Debian has no commercial side to drive release dates. Stable versions are stable
when everyone has fully tested and verified it. Not because it is time to ship
the next version.

I'm sure there are many more reasons, but this is why I choose Debian.

Good luck and welcome to the list!


     John Gay

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