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Re: Debain and Debain Jr

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 03:30:24PM -0000, Duncan Gauld wrote:
> Hi
> I've just discovered the Debian Jr project. I've just turned 13 (as of the
> 11th) and have been using Linux since age 11, (after fighting with the
> Redhat 5.2 installer and only managing to get a 16 colour X Windows :) and
> am interested in helping out in any way. I don't know if there's anyone else
> my age on this list, but if you want to get someone of your target age range
> to try something out, give me a shout. I'm learning the C language just now
> so hope to be able to contribute something soon.

We're not incredibly organized at the moment.  Everyone seems to be
very busy.  You can read the stuff at www.debian.org/devel/debian-jr,
read the list archive (http://lists.debian.org/#debian-jr), and hang
out in our irc channel #debian-jr at openprojects (irc.debian.org) to
get more of a feel as to what debian-jr is about.

The mailing list has been very quiet lately, and I believe the irc
channel has too (I've not been there much as I've been busy).

Any help you can give will probably be useful.  And stick around, not
much is happening now, but it will in the future and we can use all the
help we can get.

> Actually that's why I tried debian -- I heard that programmers liked it. :)

anoyone who's tried several linux distro's like it ;-)

> Duncan
> dunkers@blueyonder.co.uk

Pat Mahoney	<patmahoney@gmx.net>

Those of you who think you know everything are annoying those of us who do :)

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