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Re: What about programming

On Thu, 1 Feb 2001 10:53:58 +0100 (CET)
RIMBERT Hugo <rimbeh@iutc3.unicaen.fr> wrote:

RIMBERT> I think it could be interressant to have a simple langage for children,
RIMBERT> but langages such as Python or Scheme are quite complicated for children ! 
RIMBERT> I think it could be interresting to contact a (french) university to

I'm afraid most will no develop free software (when they use free software).

RIMBERT> create a really really simple langage, because I think the difficulties
RIMBERT> are with the 3-6 years, and this age is really interressant to begin to
RIMBERT> code programs ! 

OFSET - Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching

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