Software Engineer at SUSE for the Public Cloud
My team at SUSE - the Public Cloud Team - has a vacant position as a software
engineer with a particular focus on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), formerly
known as Google Compute Engine (GCE). The main requirements are good skills
in Python in Ruby, the rest can usually be learned while being a trainee
on the team for the first weeks.
Our team is mostly remote office, but we have a few people working from
offices in Nuremberg, Bellingham and Provo. So both remote and office
work is possible. More on the position can be found in [1].
If you are interested in joining SUSE and become a new member on my team,
please drop me an email directly, preferably with your CV so I can forward
your application directly to my manager who has asked everyone on the team
to help fill the position.
This way, we can speed up the process for everyone as compared to applying
over the website.
> [1]
.''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' : Debian Developer -
`. `' Freie Universitaet Berlin -
`- GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546 0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913
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