Hi, The Tails “Foundations Team” is looking for new members! In short, we take care of gluing things together so that we can release new versions of the Tails operating system (a Debian derivative with a strong focus on privacy and anonymity) on a regular basis. The job offer has many more details, which can be found here: https://tails.boum.org/jobs/Linux_generalist/ I'll just highlight a particular paragraph from the job offer: “If you are part of a group that is under-represented in Free and Open Source Software communities, we particularly encourage you to apply. We acknowledge that our project and team are not as diverse as we would like them to be. We understand that we're part of the problem. We want to be part of the solution.” Cheers, -- Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org) <https://debamax.com/> D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant
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