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Tomcat 9 removed from Debian 12

Hi all,

I just has been affected by this now. I was to updated a fleet of old VMs with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Tomcat 7 to Debian 12 with Tomcat 9 .

I know that the remove tomcat9 packages was done on December of 2023 and that this was decided a long time ago. But I think that nobody has stopped to consider that you cannot simply migrate from Tomcat 9 to 10 (inserte here meme), because the javax.* to jakarta.* packages problem. The changes needed to move a web application from javax to jackarte aren't simple to do. Specially when 3rd party java libraries, aren't migrated yet to jakarta packages ( for example Apache Commons Email ). I really hope that someone could reconsider to keep both Tomcat 9 and Tomcat 10 on Debian 12. If some help it's needed to do this, I could help (however I don't have idea how to do this).

I choose Debian instead of keeping using Ubuntu server, because the well know stability of Debian (plus I HATE Canonical weird things and forcing snap on everything) and I don't expected this kind of changes inside a stable version. I was expecting that Tomcat 9 would be removed in Debian 13, specially when I first configured our Debian 12 virtual machine template, Tomcat 9 was yet there.

PD: Sorry, if I write something that sounds weird on English, this isn't my mother language.


Luis Panadero Guardeño
Departamento de Informática


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