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Re: Updating source/target level for Java 21 compatibility to 8

Le 2023-09-25 04:17, Vladimir Petko a écrit :

I have prepared a script[1] to report the obvious failures here[2]. I
wonder if I should send a mass bug filing email to debian-devel
mailing list before running it?

Best Regards,

[1] https://git.launchpad.net/~vpa1977/+git/default-java21/tree/report-all.sh?h=main
[2] https://git.launchpad.net/~vpa1977/+git/default-java21/tree/?h=main

Nice! I've rebuilt the Java packages last week and started filling a few bugs, but it looks like you've already caught most of them. I suggest a minor tweak to the script, the severity could be set to important since these bugs will turn into build failures in the near future. Also there is an unnecessary space
before "FTBFS".

Go ahead and file the bugs. I'll probably reword the titles afterwards to add a description of the issue, that's convenient to pick and fix similar bugs
from the list.

Emmanuel Bourg

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