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Re: help with plugin versions and maven-debian-helper

Le 2023-02-08 05:47, Joe Nahmias a écrit :

[ERROR] Unresolveable build extension: Error resolving version for
plugin 'org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin' from the repositories
[local (/usr/share/maven-repo), central
(https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2)]: Plugin not found in any
plugin repository @

Is this a bug in libjackson2-core-java (which provides oss-parent) for
stripping the version tags in the plugin section (they are present
upstream and in the source) or am I misusing mh_make and/or
maven-debian-helper in some non-obvious (to me) way?

Hi Joe,

You can try changing the packaging type from bundle to jar, or ignore
the parent pom, just to get the initial run of mh_make to complete
without error.

Emmanuel Bourg

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