debian-java Jan 2023 by subject
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Re: [External] : Re: OpenJDK Zero interpreter: fast bytecodes
Re: Bootstrapping Kotlin from scratch
Bug#1028187: libcommons-validator-java: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.0.1:aggregate (default-cli)
Bug#1028366: ITP: asmtools-java -- Java library for the production of proper and improper Java '.class' files
Bug#1029549: ITP: unity-java -- Multi-syntax unit parsing
Kotlin and OpenJDK 8 in Bookworm?
OpenJDK package - jtreg: asmtools
OpenJDK Zero interpreter: fast bytecodes
openjdk-8_8u362-ga-1_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable
Possibly revert eclipse-platform-runtime to version 4.23?
Processing of openjdk-8_8u362-ga-1_source.changes
reply: RFS: libcommons-validator-java/1:1.6-3 [NMU] -- ease and speed development and maintenance of validation rules
reply: RFS: libcommons-validator-java/1:1.7-1 [Team] -- ease and speed development and maintenance of validation rules
RFS: doxia/1.12.0-1 [Team] -- Doxia content generation framework (core)
RFS: libcommons-validator-java/1:1.6-3 [NMU] -- ease and speed development and maintenance of validation rules
RFS: libcommons-validator-java/1:1.7-1 [Team] -- ease and speed development and maintenance of validation rules
The last update was on 07:40 GMT Tue Jan 31. There are 30 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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