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Re: openjdk-17 in Bullseye not up to date


> However, this version has not been updated since the Bullseye release
> (whereas the up to date version is available in testing).

right, someone has to do a stable or stable-security upload; probably
the latter, from how this has been handed for other JDK versions before.

Primary contact for this is Doko (Cc’d, though he probably also reads
the list?); I assume from the release note snippet that this has been
ok’d by release/security teams beforehand.

> There is a bug report [2] for this problem, but it seems to have been
> closed without any reason.

No, its version tracking merely marks a version that’s not in stable
as fixing this bug, but it’s still affecting stable/bullseye. The BTS
can be confusing like that ;-)

> version. You can find lots of tutorials on the Internet explaining how

Yeah, well, those tutorials… *sigh* having taken over openjdk-8 for
a while I ran into some counter-productive advice from them as well.
But there’s not much one can do about them, except of course provide
working things for the good case.

> Is an upgrade of openjdk-17 still planned for Bullseye?

I’d assume so, though you might have noticed the snippet did say not
every update is guaranteed to be made available.

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