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Packaging OpenRefine

Hi folks,

some of you may remember the discussion about packaging OpenRefine [1] for
Debian in December 2020. [2]

Good news, we came to an agreement to package OpenRefine and to support its
maintenance for the foreseeable future. I intend to introduce the core
components in the upcoming weeks, so please don't be surprised if you see more
CCed ITP bug reports on this list as usual. I believe maintaining the package
and its dependencies under the java-team umbrella is more beneficial in the
long-term. Of course I will be responsible for the actual work on it but some
of the dependencies might be useful for other projects too, so feel free to use
them as you see fit.



[1] https://openrefine.org/
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2020/12/msg00012.html

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