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Re: To build a java package with maven

Hi Mechtilde,

Le 20/06/2020 à 18:17, Mechtilde a écrit :

>  But I packaged libbeanvalidation-api-java myself. It is now in the
> NewQueue. I described it at the beginning of my question.

Thank you for packaging Jakarta Bean Validation.

The Jakarta EE project has inherited from the JavaEE components
(servlet, activation, mail, jax*...), they are basically the same but
with the packages renamed from javax.* to jakarta.*.

This is a great opportunity to harmonize the EE packages in Debian
because we have so far a mix of geronimo, glassfish and xxx-api packages.

For the new Jakarta package I'd like to adopt a consistent naming if
possible: jakarta-* for the source packages, and libjakarta-*-java for
the binary packages. I've uploaded jakarta-activation today with this
convention, and I plan to follow with jakarta-mail and jakarta-servlet
when the final versions are released.

Do you mind if we drop libbeanvalidation-api-java from the NEW queue and
upload it again with the proposed naming? I can take care of this.

Emmanuel Bourg

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