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To build a java package with maven


Again I'm trying to build a< new Java library which I need as a
dependency. This is Jcabi-Aspects (https://github.com/jcabi/jcabi-aspects)

when I build it, the compiler claims that the dependency can't be resolved:
javax.validation:validation-api:jar:debian for the file

line 36-39

I hoped to found a solution in building
https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/beanvalidation-api as

which contains the class Validation.

In the d/rules I did the entry

export CLASSPATH := /usr/share/java/jakarta.validation-api.jar

This is the jar file in the package libbeanvalidation-api-java

and in d/maven.rules
s/validation-api/jakarta.validation-api/ * s/.*/debian/ * compile

In the pom.xml I found the entry.

When I look into the package libbeanvalidation-api-java I found this entry:

But I get the error message that
package javax.validation does not exist

Can someone point me to the right entries?

Thanks in advance

Mechtilde Stehmann
## Debian Developer
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