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Re: Updating gradle to 6.4.1

Hey Everyone!

Update: I found that the sed section was just a way to create a manpage in POD format.

So I reverted it for the rules file and also removed the section that built gradle 4 using gradle 3. I tried it to build it again. This time I am getting the following error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kmQKG6rmc5/

Raman Sarda

May 28, 2020 2:33 PM, "Hans-Christoph Steiner" <hans@at.or.at> wrote:
Hey Raman,

Here's the error in question:
sed \
-e 's/\(.*\):: *$/\n=item \1\n/' \
-e 's/`\([^`]*\)`/B<\1>/g' \
-e 's/^+$//g' \
-e 's/\(https:[^[]*\)[[][^]]*\]/L<\1>/g' \
-e '/<<sec:[^>]*>>/y/_/ /' \
-e 's/<<sec:\([^>]*\)>>/the documentation section B<\U\1\E>/g' \
-e '/<<[^>]*>>/y/_/ /' \
-e 's/<<\([^>]*\)>>/the documentation section B<\U\1\E>/g' \
-e 's/ (\([^)]*\))>/> (\1)/g' \
-e '/daemon_cli]]/,$d' \
-e '0,/The command-line options available/d' \
subprojects/docs/src/docs/userguide/commandLine.adoc >> debian/gradle.pod
sed: can't read subprojects/docs/src/docs/userguide/commandLine.adoc: No
such file or directory

Looks like that file no longer exists in the latest gradle. It could
have moved somewhere else in the upstream repo, or they removed it and
generate the docs in a different way.


Raman Sarda:
Hey everyone!
I have updated gradle to 6.4.1 as a part of the Debian Android SDK tools project for GSoC 2020. I
have pushed the work here. (https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle) [1]
Since this version of gradle depends heavily on kotlin instead of groovy, It needed quite a bit of
edits in patches that were applied before. I have tried to manually edit every patch and make sure
simillar changes are made in the .gradle.kts files whenever needed.
I have also discarded a few patches for following reasons:

a. The patch is specific to groovy and isn't required in the current version.
b. The patch is already applied upstream (eg: CVE fixes, asm7 compatiblity, etc)
c. Things that the patch modifies aren't available in current version.

I urge the java team members to review my work and provide suggestions for the same. The package
currently builds fine with a source build (debuild -S) with some minor lintian warnings. But it
fails to on a binary build (debuild -b). Here are the build errors
(https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FnZ8WfSKgj). [2] It is still a work in progress. I will try to debug
the errors and make changes as required. I am available in #debian-java on OFTC for discussion.


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle

[2] (https://salsa.debian.org/theloudspeaker-guest/gradle)https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FnZ8WfSKgj

Thank you.

Raman Sarda

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