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Re: Help needed to upgrade cdk

Am 19.11.19 um 18:40 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> Hi,
> I've sat together with Egon Willighagen who is member of CDK upstream
> team to update the cdk package[1].  So far the switch from ant to maven
> seems to have basically succeeded.  However, for some reason it does not
> build modules in the correct sequence and thus we are running into:
> [INFO] cdk ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.033 s]
> [INFO] cdk-base ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.003 s]
> [INFO] cdk-interfaces ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.894 s]
> [INFO] cdk-core ........................................... SUCCESS [  2.407 s]
> [INFO] cdk-standard ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.406 s]
> [INFO] cdk-atomtype ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.209 s]
> [INFO] cdk-valencycheck ................................... SUCCESS [  0.240 s]
> [INFO] cdk-misc ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.007 s]
> [INFO] cdk-diff ........................................... FAILURE [  0.025 s]
> ...
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project cdk-diff: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.openscience.cdk:cdk-diff:jar:2.3: Cannot access ossrh (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots) in offline mode and the artifact org.openscience.cdk:cdk-test:jar:tests:debian has not been downloaded from it before. -> [Help 1]


That means that cdk build-depends on itself. You are trying to build a
module which depends on another module of the same project. If
cdk-test.jar is really built before cdk-diff then it should be possible
to work around it by using a local system path which requires a patch
for pom.xml (to avoid downloading cdk-test.jar from the internet for
DFSG reasons). You can also try to ignore cdk-test.jar in
debian/maven.ignoreRules because I doubt you really need it.



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