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Re: jax-maven-plugin_0.1.8-1~exp2 has rejected


Am 19.11.19 um 09:23 schrieb Mechtilde Stehmann:
> Hello to the list,
> to fullfill the policy I will repack the orig.tar.gz of the package above.
> How ist the best way to do so?
> Should I do a new start to prepare the new package
> jax-maven-plugin_0.1.8+dfsg-1~exp1?

I believe the canonical way of repacking upstream tarballs is to add a
Files-Excluded paragraph to debian/copyright and then you can use uscan
to repack the tarball.


If you have to repack the tarball for DFSG reasons then 0.1.8+dfsg-1
should be fine, in case you want to upload to unstable. If you really
wish to upload to experimental then 0.1.8+dfsg-1~exp1 is also ok.

> How can I work on at salsa.debian.org/java-team/jax.maven-plugin?

Just push the repacked tarball to the Git repository?



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