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Re: New Package JVerein


to package jverein I stumble from one problem to the next.

I take the pckage <hibiscus> as a template. I created a similar links file

I started to remove the shipped java libraries step-by step.

To remove bsh-core shows me the Error <warning: [options] bootstrap
class path not set in conjunction with -source 7
error: package bsh does not exist
    [javac] import bsh.EvalError;

I installed libbsh-java as build dependencies and this package contains
the the same jar file as I found in the upsteeam code.[1]

Where should I look? Can somme point me to the infos I need?

Please ask if you need more information

[1] https://github.com/jverein/jverein

Thanks in advance

Am 25.08.19 um 14:03 schrieb Markus Koschany:
> Hello Mechtilde,
> Am 25.08.19 um 08:24 schrieb Mechtilde Stehmann:
>> Hello,
>> I want to work at this new Package on Salsa too.
>> I want to join the team Debian Java Maintainers.
>> My username is Mechtilde <mechtilde@debian.org>
> I've just added you to the java-team on salsa.
> Cheers,
> Markus

Mechtilde Stehmann
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## Debian Developer
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