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Re: New Package JVerein


I want to work at this new Package on Salsa too.

I want to join the team Debian Java Maintainers.

My username is Mechtilde <mechtilde@debian.org>

Am 07.06.19 um 13:39 schrieb Mechtilde:
> Hello Markus,
> thanks for your detailed information.
> Am 25.05.19 um 10:36 schrieb Markus Koschany:
>> Hallo Mechtilde,
>> Am 25.05.19 um 08:51 schrieb Mechtilde:
>> [...]
>>> Can someone advise me through the steps?
>> I just comment on all the warnings I can find.
>> source-contains-prebuilt-java-object
>> The upstream sources contain various jar files. We always remove them
>> from the upstream tarball to ensure we only build with system libraries.
> That is solvable. I have to package some of them myself. This takes time.
>> package-contains-vcs-control-file
>> Same here, I suggest to remove the .gitignore file when you repack the
>> tarball anyway.
> solved
>> jar-contains-source
>> This is usually quite harmless. Normally we don't ship java source files
>> in our binary packages except the application functions this way
>> (robocode) but most of the time jar files just contain class files and
>> some content files like images, sounds or text files. I believe there is
>> probably something wrong with the build system.
>> In build/build.xml I can see that java files should have been excluded
>> when using the jar target but there may be something else, so they get
>> still included.
> Can someone give me a hint why it is included even so
>> executable-jar-without-main-class
>> It looks like that you are shipping the prebuilt csvjdbc.jar in your
>> binary package.
> fixed
>> codeless-jar
>> Usually harmless but can indicate an error when building the package.
>> itext-hyph-xml.jar should probably be a symlink to our system package of
>> itext.
> Where can I find "our system package of itext"
> Kind regards
> Mechtilde
>> classpath-contains-relative-path
>> This may work as long as all your libraries are really in your lib
>> directory. For instance I can't find patch.jar or metouia.jar. So you
>> should carefully check whether those jar files should be present in your
>> lib directory. We normally symlink to our system packages but you have
>> either installed the prebuilt once or you have copied the system jar
>> files to the lib directory.
>> You can modify the classpath by using javahelper and a manifest file
>> jverein.manifest
>> usr/share/jameica/plugins/jverein/lib/lib/nc.jar:
>>  Class-Path: /usr/share/java/kunststoff.jar /usr/share/java/jcalendar.jar
>> and so on. We recommend absolute paths because they are unambiguous. In
>> some cases relative paths will lead to build failures when other
>> packages use your package as a build dependency which makes it often
>> hard to debug the problem.
>> So far
>> Regards,
>> Markus

Mechtilde Stehmann
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