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Re: libmilib-java depends libredberry-pipe-java (>= 1.0.0-alpha0) but should rather libredberry-pipe-java (>= 1.0.0~alpha0)

Le 19/02/2019 à 16:07, Andreas Tille a écrit :

> I realised that libmilib-java is not installable[1] since ${maven:Depends}[2]
> is resolved into libredberry-pipe-java (>= 1.0.0-alpha0) rather than the existing
> libredberry-pipe-java (>= 1.0.0~alpha0) (see difference between '-' and '~'
> before 'alpha0'). How can I make sure that the correct version string is injected
> into the package Depends?

Hi Andreas,

Remove --has-package-version in redberry-pipe:


The flag must only be used when the package version matches exactly the
version in pom.xml.

Emmanuel Bourg

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