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Re: Javadoc -link makes broken links if module name matches package name

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 05:48:30PM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Hi Ingo,
> Am 17.02.19 um 16:45 schrieb Ingo Bauersachs:
> > Tony, Markus
> > 
> >> [...]
> >> Any thoughts on whether we should focus on fixing javadoc generation or
> >> look at other ways to mitigate the FTBFS?
> > 
> > I've been notified that weupnp [1] has been marked for autoremoval [2]
> > because of this Javadoc thing, while other packages are not, e.g.
> > servlet-api [3].
> > Following the discussions and the merges/splits/reassignments of the
> > original bug, I'm not quite sure what action to take, if any. I'd like to
> > avoid that weupnp is being removed. Is disabling the Javadoc
> > generation/installation and looking for a sponsor the best way to go?
> ...Just reading tony's email.
> Yes, I'm absolutely fine with that. I don't think you have to request
> any binNMUs because those existing -doc packages should just work at the
> moment. I don't know if there is any downside to our approach but my
> general feeling is it can't be that severe. We should reassign all RC
> bugs of affected packages to maven-javadoc-plugin, then the automatic
> removal messages will stop as well.

Hi Markus,

I've created a "buster" branch from the debian/3.0.1-2 tag and applied
a patch that changes the default.  So far packages are building
successfully.  However, I'm less than 10% through the set of
r-build-deps; it's going to take a while yet [2].  I see that Ole
addressed #919831 via an upload earlier this week, so I'll update that
patch to refer to #919798 [1], and perhaps we can link the discussions

Assuming the rest of my ratt build is successful, any concerns with an
upload to unstable referring to 919798?  (Are there any other suitable
options at this point?)


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=919798
[2] ratt rebuild in progress...

tony@lark:/data/debian/sponsor/maven-javadoc-plugin/build-area/rebuild$ ratt -sbuild_dist unstable-jdk -dist sid ../maven-javadoc-plugin_3.0.1-3_amd64.changes
2019/02/17 11:09:47 Loading changes file "../maven-javadoc-plugin_3.0.1-3_amd64.changes"
2019/02/17 11:09:47  - 1 binary packages: libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java
2019/02/17 11:09:47 Corresponding .debs (will be injected when building):
2019/02/17 11:09:47     ../libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java_3.0.1-3_all.deb
2019/02/17 11:09:47 Figuring out reverse build dependencies using dose-ceve(1). This might take a while
2019/02/17 11:10:11 Building package 1 of 242: maven-archiver 
2019/02/17 11:13:29 Building package 2 of 242: libwoodstox-java 
2019/02/17 11:14:41 Building package 3 of 242: javawriter 
2019/02/17 11:16:23 Building package 4 of 242: doxia-sitetools 
2019/02/17 11:23:25 Building package 5 of 242: jmdns 
2019/02/17 11:24:55 Building package 6 of 242: libminlog-java 
2019/02/17 11:25:55 Building package 7 of 242: uima-as 
2019/02/17 11:35:38 Building package 8 of 242: libcommons-discovery-java 
2019/02/17 11:38:02 Building package 9 of 242: plexus-cipher 
2019/02/17 11:39:56 Building package 10 of 242: undertow 
2019/02/17 11:44:03 Building package 11 of 242: libcommons-codec-java 
2019/02/17 11:45:23 Building package 12 of 242: jts 
2019/02/17 11:48:32 Building package 13 of 242: joda-convert 
2019/02/17 11:50:45 Building package 14 of 242: metainf-services 
2019/02/17 11:52:09 Building package 15 of 242: qdox2 
2019/02/17 12:06:49 Building package 16 of 242: httpcomponents-client 
2019/02/17 12:09:06 Building package 17 of 242: servlet-api 
2019/02/17 12:10:43 Building package 18 of 242: maven-dependency-tree 
2019/02/17 12:13:12 Building package 19 of 242: felix-gogo-command 
2019/02/17 12:15:26 Building package 20 of 242: libcommons-compress-java 

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