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openjdk-9: FYI: Swing generics changes

As I can't think of anywhere else to complain...

I've been looking at Java 9 build logs again[1].

These packages are broken by the addition of generics to a small number
of swing classes:

 * electric
 * freeplane
 * jajuk
 * jsymphonic
 * libjaudiotagger
 * sweethome3d
 * zeroc-ice

There may be others.

I've raised a bug against this with Oracle, but I doubt they will look
at it before the release. The bulk of the text is:

There was some discussion on the mailing list three years ago, and a
couple of people's broken code was fixed in the JDK (e.g. netbeans); I
guess I missed the boat on this one:

The errors are typically "cannot cast .. TreeNode" or related to
"Enumeration<..> children()".

This really doesn't feel like the kind of thing we should patch, and is
rather ugly to fix in each package (although essentially simple). Sadness. :(

In happier news, an AWS i3.8xlarge (32 cores, 244GB RAM, NVMe) can build
nearly every default-jdk dependency (~1260 packages) in two hours; for <$3 on
the spot market.


1: https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/1/edit/VH6giqhAylzK7Sa+aJiB5A/c01Z3XEbE0HCk2wOz4Xz8kKE/

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