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pkg-java upload queue

I'd like to make available some sbt related packages that I pushed on
mentors.d.o while waiting for them to go past the ftpmasters which may
take more work and more time, so that maybe some other people can help
bringing all the sbt deps packaged.
I see there is a pkg-java upload queue mentionned on the wiki (
https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/JavaPackaging ) but I didn't manage to
upload there.
If I use the dput configuration proposed as-is, I get a "Unknown upload
method: sftp"
If I replace sftp by scp, I get "Permission denied (publickey)."
I tried adding a login parameter with my alioth account but it fails in
the same way.

So first : is it ok for the use I want to make of it ?
Is the pkg-java upload queue still working ?
What's wrong with my configuration ?
Do I need some more rights ( I have a -guest account in alioth ) ?


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