Hi, I have prepared a javacc 6.1.3 package and recompiled some of its dependencies. So far three packages fail to compile (there are probably more):
All three packages are a couple of years behind the latest upstream version. Is there an easy way to autobuild the reverse-depends of a package to test the other packages? Something like a buildd light? The only reverse-build-dep of cssparser (libcssparser-java) is htmlunit (libhtmlunit-java) which apparently has no reverse-build-dep/reverse-deps and a low popcon, so it could probably removed. In contrast lucene-solr is used quite a bit and lucene2 is a reverse-build-dep of eclipse. Probably more recent upstream versions would work fine with javacc6, but packaging those and updating their rdepends seems like a major undertaking. I now see several options:
I have no experience in library transitions so guidance on the best/recommended way would be appreciated. Since my only reason for updating javacc in the first place was to update umlet (popcon: installs 829, 0.43%), there is no need to do any of this before stretch. Here is the list of packages I have built against 6.1.3 so far.
Ben |