re: Building maven packages
[I'm not on debian-java so keep me cc:ed please - I only found your
reply via the list archive]
> On Wed, 2 Nov 2016 14:21, Markus Koschany wrote:
> > On 02.11.2016 05:52, Wookey wrote:
> > > Having hacked about a bit it currenty fails with:
> > > The POM for org.codehaus.mojo:native-maven-plugin:jar:1.0-alpha-7 is missing,
> > > no dependency information available
> > Otherwise someone has to package maven-native-plugin.
> >
> Well I don't mind doing this if it's not too hard, and I don't have too
> many more layers of java-package rabbit-hole to go :-).
> That bug says "I left the packaging work I was doing up on
>", but I can't find it.
> There is a 2009
> which I think is an earlier version of the same package
> but doesn't have a debian dir, so I guess torsten didn't get very far.
> I'll mail Andres Mejia for clarification, but if anyone knows where
> existing work might be...
OK. I mailed Andres but got no response.
I've found the current version of maven-native at
and it even has a release tarball!
And I've now got a better understanding of how to use mh_make to
mostly sort things out for me.
However I've hit this issue:
In native-maven-plugin/pom.xml: This dependency cannot be found in the Debian Maven repository. Ignore th\
is dependency? bcel:bcel:jar:5.1
[y/N] >
> dpkg --search /usr/share/maven-repo/bcel/bcel/*/*
dpkg failed to execute successfully
> apt-file search /usr/share/maven-repo/bcel/bcel
apt-file failed to execute successfully
> dpkg --search /usr/share/java/bcel.jar
Found libbcel-java
[error] Package libbcel-java does not contain Maven dependency bcel:bcel:jar:5.1 but there seem to be a match
If the package contains already Maven artifacts but the names don't match, try to enter a substitution rule
of the form s/groupId/newGroupId/ s/artifactId/newArtifactId/ jar s/version/newVersion/ here:
> s/bcel/bcel/ s/bcel/bcel/ jar s/5.1/5.x/
Please suggest the maintainer of package libbcel-java to add this rule to debian/maven.publishedRules
In native-maven-plugin/pom.xml: This dependency cannot be found in the Debian Maven repository. Ignore this dependency? bcel:bcel:jar:5.x
dpkg -L libbcel-java has:
So why didn;t my substition rules of
s/bcel/bcel/ s/bcel/bcel/ jar s/5.1/5.x/
s/bcel/bcel/ s/bcel/bcel/ jar s/5.1/6.0/
The upstream pom.xml has:
The only thing wrong here seems tobe the version, so what should I do
here to make mh_make happy that libjava-bcel contains the right stuff?
I also got the complaint that it can't find:
Do I care about that? Do I need to package that too? <sinking feeling emoji>
Also how does this 'debian' version thing work? Is that like saying
'generic/current' version? And we do that to deal with all these
packages asking for a specific version when they really don't actually
care (probably). So should I prefer to set the versions for all this
stuff to 'debian' as that's likely to stay working for longer?
Cheers for pointers.
Principal hats: Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
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