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maven-debian-helper for simple single-jar binary package


I've packaged a simple Java app which uses Maven for build/assembly and
produces a JAR file. I wanted a single binary Debian package that shipped
that JAR file in /usr/share/<package>. There was no need to provide a POM
in the package.

I used maven-debian-helper as recommended by the Debian policy for Java,
specifically mh_make. After adjusting the output, I had a poms file a bit
like below:


I adjusted the bottom line according to the comments above it to achieve
what I want. However, the --dest-jar and --ignore-pom arguments appear to
be being ignored completely (and --artifact appears to do nothing useful).

The result put the JAR in /usr/share/maven-repo/org/redmars/wadc/wadc no matter
what I tried, alongside the POM I didn't want.  Therefore, I ended up with a
bunch of overrides in debian/rules to fix the output of dh_auto_install:


Is this expected behaviour, or a bug (bugs) in maven-debian-helper, or
pilot error?


Jonathan Dowland
Not presently subscribed to the list, M-F-T set accordingly

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