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Re: Question on java library packaging


On 07/14/2014 06:20 PM, Robert Middleton wrote:
>>You are right, dbus-java-bin should depend on "default-jre |
> java6-runtime | java7-runtime" instead of "openjdk-7-jre | openjdk-6-jre".
> Good to know. :)

If Java6 is sufficient, then "default-jre | java6-runtime" should be
sufficient.  Anything that provides java7-runtime will provide
java6-runtime as well.  Another thing to keep in mind is whether the
package can depend on a -headless JRE.

>>This is an error in the policy, thank you for spotting it.
> Out of curiosity, why does the policy not require that libraries depend
> on Java?  The only reason I can think of is if programs create/embed
> their own JVM, so one on the system wouldn't be needed(I know of no
> programs that do this).

I can't speak to the original reason, but it's generally unnecessary
because whatever binary package depends on the library will have a
dependency on a JRE.  Also, I can imagine wanting to install libraries
for a web application (or perhaps for development, maybe in a
bind-mounted chroot) where the container is responsible for the JRE.

Not having libraries depend on the JRE can prevent having the package
manager pull in a JRE in situations when it's not desired.


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