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Re: Pack200 compression of packaged jars

Le 01/05/2013 19:10, Matthias Klose a écrit :

> so what is the difference in size for the .deb files, both with unmodified
> jars, and packed jars?

For libcommons-jexl2-java packing the jar saved about 70% of the size of
the original .deb

> Plus, you don't have and checksum for the unpacked files on the system
> anymore. The pack format makes sense for web applications which are downloaded
> from the net, but I don't see a big value in doing this for a Debian package.

Well, isn't a 70% reduction of the size of all Java packages a
substantial gain? And they are also downloaded from the net.

The openjdk packages could also benefit from this compression. If I'm
not mistaken rt.jar is not packed in the .deb file, unlike the Windows
JRE/JDK installer.

Emmanuel Bourg

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