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Re: Request for DM upload rights for maven-{debian|repo}-helper

Le Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 11:44:28AM +0100, Thomas Koch a écrit :
> after a missing dependency of a wrong user input
>  - make the code cleaner so that it's possible to debug errors or add features
> In case you'd like to give me dm-upload permissions you can use dput-ng from 
> unstable:
> dcut dm --uid "thomas@koch.ro" --allow maven-debian-helper \
>         --allow maven-repo-helper

Hi Thomas,

it has been a lot of time that you are contributing to Debian.  Have
you considered applying as a Debian Developer ?

In the meantime, if the only reason that you do not have dm-upload permissions
is that there are not enough active people on this list to give them to you, I
can run the dcut command.

Would there be objections ?

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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