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Re: gcj cannot find ecj any more, on m68k

Andrew Haley dixit:

>gcj has an evil bug.  Sometimes, when it has an unresolved reference, it
>reports a ClassNotFoundException for the referring class, not the
>referred.  So, you now need to

Oh, ok.

>jcf-dump -v -classpath /usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj-3.5.1.jar org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.Compiler

Ok, got a lot of output.

>and have a look at the class references in the constant pool.

Uh, I’m sorry you lost me there. That is a train station, right? ;-)
I can barely read any Java™ source code, much less know about gcj
internals other than what I’ve seen during porting…

Thanks anyway,
  “Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool.”
						-- Edward Burr

Attachment: jcfdump.out.gz
Description: Binary data

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