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Re: Is there a pom.xml parser packaged in Debian ?

Hello Charles,

What do you want to acheive here? If you want to package snappy-java,
then install maven-debian-helper, and run the command mh_make on the
upstream sources (you need to cd to the directory containing the file
pom.xml). Then mh_make will ask lots of questions and do its best to
generate the packaging for you.

As this tool is still under development, I'm interested to get feedback
from you. Also, as snappy-java uses Mercurial Hg, could you tell me
which commands you use to download the sources with a specific version,
I'm not familiar with Mercurial.

To answer to your question, maven-repo-helper contains a Java class
(org.debian.maven.repo.POMReader) which reads a POM file and extracts
lots of information, and you can use the command

 mh_clean --no-rules pom.xml cleaned-pom.xml pom.properties

to read the pom.xml file and extract its properties into pom.properties.


On 07/10/2011 06:14, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Dear all,
> I intend to package snappy-java (http://bugs.debian.org/636181), that is needed
> by the latest releases of picard-tools, which I maintain.
> snappy-java includes a JAR file for the Java library silk-weaver
> (https://code.google.com/p/silk-weaver/), and I contacted the upstream author
> about it as I did not find the sources.  He answered me that he was opened to
> use an alternative pom.xml parser already packaged in Debian.
> silk-weaver is used in snappy-java to retreive its version number from the
> pom.xml file, with the following command (in Makefile):
> $ java -jar lib/silk-weaver.jar find 'project(artifactId, version)' pom.xml | grep snappy-java | awk '{ print $2; }'
> Does somebody have a suggestion for an alternative pom.xml parser ?  Not being
> a Java programmer, I am lost…
> Have a nice day,

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