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Is there a pom.xml parser packaged in Debian ?

Dear all,

I intend to package snappy-java (http://bugs.debian.org/636181), that is needed
by the latest releases of picard-tools, which I maintain.

snappy-java includes a JAR file for the Java library silk-weaver
(https://code.google.com/p/silk-weaver/), and I contacted the upstream author
about it as I did not find the sources.  He answered me that he was opened to
use an alternative pom.xml parser already packaged in Debian.

silk-weaver is used in snappy-java to retreive its version number from the
pom.xml file, with the following command (in Makefile):

$ java -jar lib/silk-weaver.jar find 'project(artifactId, version)' pom.xml | grep snappy-java | awk '{ print $2; }'

Does somebody have a suggestion for an alternative pom.xml parser ?  Not being
a Java programmer, I am lost…

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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