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Re: Setting goals for Wheezy


Here are my goals for this year:

- keep working on maven-debian-helper and in particular mh_make.
The goal is to make it as trivial as possible to create a Debian package
from a project which uses Maven as its build tool. The current version
in experimental is already working well, but there are still some quirks
to iron out. There is still lots of work to be done before we'll be able
to package Nuxeo, but something smaller like one full appserver stack
should be doable by the end of the year.
- transition maven-repo-helper and maven-debian-helper to dh 7. CDBS is
fine, but dh 7 is now trendy and probably simpler to understand for Java
developers (read: not make gurus). Plus it seems faster and the build
output is much clearer.
- package Maven 3 (work started, uses maven-debian-helper improvements)
- setup a real Maven repository in Debian. There is one big transition
that we will need to do there: at the moment, to ease the upgrade of
dependencies, we use 'symlink' versions in the Maven POMs (for example,
we replace 3.1 with 3.x). This creates something which works but looks
very hacky to a Java developer, so no good Java developer will want to
use such a repository (I won't!). The solution is to use version ranges,
so we would replace 3.1 with [3.1,4.0) and the version of the library in
the repository would still be 3.1. This requires Maven 3.0 or even 3.1
to work, older versions have issues with version ranges. Also, we need
to align the versions with the OSGi conventions, a good thing as OSGi
promotes best pratices such as enforcing API compatibility during minor
version upgrades.
- create repositories for OSGi, in the form of a P2 or OBR repository,
and push for more libraries to include the necessary OSGi metadata
- clarify how to package WAR and EAR applications, and provide tooling
for Maven.
- become a DD and push as much stuff as I can in the repository.


On 09/02/11 00:17, Damien Raude-Morvan wrote:
> Hi,
> I've some overlap with your own goals Torsten :)
> Le mardi 08 février 2011 17:07:13, Torsten Werner a écrit :
>> - Port openjdk to kfreebsd with either hotspot or jamvm. 
> kibi, tuco and I tried and, AFAIK, we all failed.
> Have you started working on this ? from upstream "bsd-port" mercurial forest ?
>> - OpenJDK 7?
> I've worked a bit in this recently.
> Debian packaging (largely based on doko work) is here:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~openjdk/openjdk/openjdk7
> Some "preview" packages are available on my people.d.o :
> http://people.debian.org/~drazzib/debian/experimental/
> (with only hotspot, cacao/shark/zero currently FTBFS)
>> - Set up a real Maven repo based on our packages. Dak may help, too.
> What's your plan regarding DAK on this subject ?
> I've started looking at Maven Indexer to crawl over all pom.xml in 
> /usr/share/maven-repo/
> (https://docs.sonatype.org/display/M2ECLIPSE/Nexus+Indexer)
> My other goals are :
> - improve relationship with Debian Science (as they use more and more Java 
> software)
> - package some CI (Continuous Integration) tools like Nexus, Hudson, Sonar and 
> some essentials plugins
> - work on Liferay 6.x
> - help with Netbeans 6.x or 7.x package
> - work on Maven 3.x and integration with dh 7/8
> - work on Lintian to include some Java check (or some other tool ?)
> Cheers,

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