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Dependence on specific versions

Hi Stefane,

in another thread you write:

> > and that it is possible for projects to accumulate
> > technical debt by depending on strict version numbers.
> OTOH, this is a HUGE source of instability and hard to debug bugs (as we've 
found to our expense) to depend on loose version numbers.

I totaly disagree with this. One day or another you need to update to newer 
versions of your dependencies. If you're specifying strict version numbers 
then you're just procrasinating the update.

Instead, you (as in all java projects) should include the expected behaviour 
of the dependencies in your test cases. How should you update them otherwise?

If your test cases work with any versions of the dependencies provided, then 
your product should work.

You may say that "business realities" are different. But then you tell me that 
business software just means: Software that happens to work today, but who 
knows about tomorrow?

Or am I totally wrong?

Best regards,

Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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