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Re: maven 3 packaging

Le mercredi 21 décembre 2011 11:28:07, Ioan Eugen Stan a écrit :
> Hello everybody,

Hi Ioan!

> I wish to see maven 3 in the next Debian release so I decided to give a
> hand in packaging it. I have some experience in using maven but I'm not
> very familiar with it's internals. Kind of the same goes for I'm sure
> this will change once I start diving in.

Any help is welcome on this package.

> I would like help to get me started like: what package can I start
> with?. It would be great if we can have a short voice session to get me
> up to speed. Please understand that I would like to know how to
> navigate the process.

You can have a quick overview of actual packaging state here [1]. All 
dependencies of maven are now packaged and in unstable. I'm working on last 
package : maven itself :)

Git repository with maven upstream tarball + debian packaging is here [2]. I'm 
targeting Maven 3.0.4 (which should be out soon now). You can start by 
reviewing this package, building it locally (with git-buildpackage) and test 
this maven with your own project.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/Java/Maven3
[2] http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-java/maven.git

Damien - Debian Developper

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