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Re: libxalan2-java FTBFS because of libstylebook-java


On 26/11/11 23:53, Jakub Adam wrote:
I went into the following problem that I'm not quite sure how to solve

libstylebook-java 1.0~b3~svn20061109-3 (in squeeze) installs these jars:

/usr/share/java/stylebook.jar (a symlink to the previous)

Sid has newer version 1.0~b3~svn20061109-4 that uses jh_installlibs and

/usr/share/java/stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar (symlink)

Unless I'm very much mistaken, this is plain wrong. It seems that jh_installlibs fails to notice that stylebook-1.0-b3_xalan-2.jar already has a version number in it (which isn't surprising).

2. Old names from *-3 version are the right ones, jh_installlibs was
fooled by unusual upstream version
numbers and we must fix libstylebook-java

Please can you help me which approach should I choose?

  Clearly the option 2. Do you need help and/or sponsoring ?





Vincent Fourmond, Debian Developer

Donkey: No one told me I had the right to remain silent !
Shrek: You *have* the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity.
 -- Shrek 2

Vincent, listening to Running To Stand Still (U2)

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