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Re: RFS:opensearchserver package

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your welcome !

Because Apache Solr exists OpenSearchServer should not ?

Are you sure that because one solution exists, there is not place for another one ?

I am happy to have the choice between:
- Apache, lighthttp, nginx, and others,
- bugzilla, trac, otrs and others,
- mediawiki, phpwiki, docuwiki and others,
- ...

OpenSearchServer is not jus a tiny front-end, it is 10 years of java work.

What's wrong with open source and commercial activities ?
Am I wrong or ? There is many open source software related to commercial activities.

Does somebody plan to remove MySQL from Debian ?

It seems that Debian has no problem to embed non-free software when they provide something interesting ?

Do you never use Sun java runtime on Debian ?

I know that taking 5 minutes and give that kind of judgment is not representative of what Debian is.

Reg	ards,

On 1 oct. 2011, at 12:24, Thomas Koch wrote:

> Emmanuel Keller:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am looking for a sponsor for my package of OpenSearchServer. I sent an
>> RFS to the debian-mentors list two days ago.
>> As OpenSearchServer is a JAVA application running into TOMCAT, I thought
>> the DEBIAN/JAVA community is a good place to find help !
>> Thank you if you can have a look, and help me to find a sponsor.
>> Best regards,
>> Emmanuel Keller
> Hi Emmanuel,
> I've spent like 5 minutes now and tried to get a basic impression, what 
> OpenSearchServer is. Your project page is definitely not optimzed for people 
> with few time.
> I still have no idea, what OpenSearchServer can provide me what isn't already 
> in Apache SOLR. It seems, that it's just a tiny web frontend to existing 
> projects?
> BTW, the links to the user and API docus ask me for a login.
> The link "OpenSearchServer Community Edition Features List" makes me wonder. 
> Debian is not the place for crippled community editions with limited 
> functionality to advertise your proprietary variant.
> Two days is not a long time to wait for a sponsor. All DDs are normally 
> overworked. (I'm not a DD.) And if a DD doesn't see an appealing reason to 
> sponsor your package within 5 minutes, he'll probably just ignore your 
> request.
> Best regards,
> Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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