Torsten, I will join you on this talk, there's good progress on the
Maven front, and more will come before Fosdem. mh_make is making good
progress and is quite usable now, and I keep improving it to package
Maven 3. Maybe you should rename your talk 'The Java Packaging Bliss' ?
More seriously, OSGi is coming in the picture soon, and I think that
Debian has an edge over organisations because we can reorganize software
to work while crossing organisational boundaries. I've started some work
there, and what is clear is that it's a mess in the OSGi world: take a
basic library such as junit, it doesn't ship with any OSGi metadata, and
I have found more than 3 different organisations repackaging junit with
their own, mostly incompatible, metadata.
On 12/16/2010 01:33 PM, Torsten Werner wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> Am 16.12.2010 05:11, schrieb Tom Marble:
>> We extended our CFP until Friday...
> thanks for the update.
>> I'm planning to reprise and update my Jigsaw talk from Debconf.
> I'll try to improve my Debconf talk.
>> Submit a talk proposal today!
> done.
> Cheers,
> Torsten
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