Hi Fabrizio, I'm not a DD, but nobody has answered yet, so let me try.First, the kind of help you're expecting is a bit vague, so my answer might not be what you expect.
For your first package, my recommendation would be to take the simplest package with the least dependencies (and dependencies of dependencies, and dependencies of....) not packaged yet in Debian. In the same direction, take care of the licensing used, try to avoid packages with multiples licenses, complex copyrights, etc... At the end, ftp-master might not let them through and you've worked for nothing. Same applies of course to dependencies.
These are important point because it can multiple the needed effort without visible result, and be quite discouraging, so check the dependencies (libraries mostly) and the licenses/copyrights before you start packaging.
Now, to start packaging, your first lecture should be http://www.debian.org/devel/, especially the New Maintainer's Guide http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/
Hope this helps, Eric
Fabrizio Furnari wrote:Hi all, this ML has been reported me by the mentors ML. I'd like to join the Debian packagers team and, in the future, become a DD. I need for a Squeeze-based distro, to package some Java apps: OpenJump 1.3.1 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jump-pilot/files/) Saga 2.0.4 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/saga-gis/files/) AutoQ3D Community ( http://www.autoq3d.com/downloads/category/3-autoq3d-community) Stereo 0.2b (http://stereo.sourceforge.net/) uDig 1.2RC1 (http://udig.refractions.net/download/) gvSIG 1.9 ( http://www.gvsig.gva.es/eng/off/gvsig-desktop/all-versions/download/gvsig-19/downloading-the-program/ ) e-foto 0.1 (http://www.efoto.eng.uerj.br/doku.php?id=en:download) jSVR 0.5 beta http://sourceforge.net/projects/svr/files/ Total Open Station http://tops.berlios.de/ Obviously not all now and some can be wrong/not Java. In this case I'd much appreciate your suggestions. Anyone would help me in that? Thanks, Fabrizio