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Re: log4j and logrotate

> Since log4j is a library that can be used any Java app (and not only
>  daemons) and supports various types of appenders, I'm not sure logrotate
>  will always applicable.  Also, I think the patching to log4j would be
>  non-trivial.
> From the perspective of someone supporting systems that use log4j, I'd say
>  that it might be disconcerting for users to have both log4j and logrotate
>  managing the same logfiles.
> What's the context of the question?  Is this for a specific package, or in
> general (for all Debian Java packages)?

I'm packaging 3 java daemons, which all come with an example log4j.properties 
file. I could set up logrotation in this example file or could set up 
logrotation in /etc/logrotate.d while log4j continues to write to the same 
file (which is rotated in the background).
There are many more java servers in debian which use log4j and there's no 
convention yet, how to handle this situation.

Best regards,

Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

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